Sunday, December 27, 2009

Philanthropy Time!

Now in a neat flyer: Flyer

Hello all! This is my first solicitory blog post as I try to arrange a pretty crazy trip out to Northern Mexico to help build a house for a family in need. I have been thinking about trying to do this for the past ... 10 years.. and NOW I am finally going to put all my effort into getting it done.

The deal is this... All over the Northern parts of Mexico there are people who are struggling to survive. A lot of them don't have running water, electricity, or even a solid roof over their heads. While it is pretty heartbreaking to see, there IS something we can do to help!!! Build a house! I'm talking about flying/driving down to the chosen families location, pouring concrete, laying nails (hopefully in wood), slapping sheetrock, framing walls, pulling wire, all kinds of stuff that construction people do... Now, these houses aren't exactly palaces. In fact they are only about 250 SQFT (I think).. But they can provide the basic necessity of stability for a family that needs it, especially during the winter months. Anyways, that's enough 'splainin... Now lets get to the details...

Detail 1 - Dates:
This is tricky because we have to raise money, but if things are looking good by March 1st we should be in business. Here are two options, depending on your free time:
3 Days
- March 20th 2010 (Saturday) - March 24nd AM (Wednesday).

March 20th: Arrive in San Diego no later than 11am...
March 22nd: Leave San Diego after 5pm...

I will need a volunteer or two to help out a few days before the 20th to help pour the
foundation and get supplies in order.

Southwest is 49 bux each way... And has plenty of options...

Detail 2 - $$$:
Common House Fund: $5000 (group total)
Meals: $20 a day (per person)
Room & Board: $10 a day (per person, more on that later)
Transportation from San Diego Airport: $30 total (per person)
Transportation to San Diego Airport: We can fly or ... rent a van and drive! (Negating the fee above)

Ok so how can you help!!!???? Here are the three options...

#1 - People who want to help, but don't want to do anything.
- Write a check.. I don't think we have any tax-free charities going on, but I can check on that..

#2 - People who want to help, but don't want to pay anything.
- Raise some money through your friends. We can make something more formal for them in case they need proof that you're not stealing their money for Vodka.
- Come and help! All you have to do is find a way to cover the expenses above. Of course it would be great if you could help raise money for the group fund :-)
- Recruit someone else.. I know you signed someone up involuntarily before, that is if you are my friend, why not do it again?

#3 - People who want to help and will break their backs doing so...
- Raise money above.
- Be ready to swing hammers, befuddle electrical circuits, and sterilize water.

Ok, more about room and board.

My friend Jeff Smith who does this trip every year and has been for the past 15+ years (I think) usually stays with a man named Sergio. Sergio is an overall awesome guy who helps out the community and has a facility that people can sleep in for $10 a night! It's not the Hilton, but it has a lot of dogs! It's safe and he will make sure our stuff stays intact, both bodies and suitcases.

Ok, more about the situation..
This is all editorial, but to people who are concerned about their safety in Mexico.. I have to say that this trip happens every year by multiple groups, and to my knowledge nothing has ever happened. I hope to say that this will happen, BUT if we are chased by banditos we will choose one person to throw from the back of the bus and we will never look back... never...

Thanks for reading, and let's do this!


  1. COUNT ME IN!! but i have to check my dates because i think i have a wedding to go to that weekend in OC and then i can meet up sunday. i'll get back to you. -E

  2. Here is the flyer

  3. Sounds good - this is something I have wanted to do forever!

    Could you have a meeting at Shaun's house to go over the details with a laser pointer and graph? I am a little confused! LOL

    Count me in...and maybe a kid or 2...I am not concerned about Safety.
