Thursday, March 12, 2009

My great business idea

Ok, since no one really reads this crap, I know that my secret is safe here.

I have an invention that is going to revolutionize sleep.

For too long have we put up with noise. It interrupts us while we sleep, ruins movies, destroys marriages, makes dogs come running, and makes airplanes fast.

My invention only solves some of the problems listed above, but IMO it is the most important problem: "Noise interrupts us while we sleep".

The idea is this. It's a pillow that has special sound resistant, I won't say sound proof for reasons below, foam that is not only supportive but also very comfortable. It will fit your head snugly using fashionable velcro straps and nice cushy cotton like material. It will look a lot like boxing head gear, but it really is just a 360 degree pillow for your head. Around the ears will be extra sound resistant material that will be able to block out 90% of snoring, but only 25% of Alarm clocks.

I think it's a great idea. Not very fashionable, but i'll leave that up to Erin.